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Child Sexual Abuse: The Adults Role in Prevention

Last year over 26,000 children were sexually abused in Texas.  In light of the ongoing media coverage of various child sex abuse cases, it's understandable that many parents may be feeling especially concerned about the safety of their children and may be wondering how they can protect their child from being sexually abused.

Wendell Teltow, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Texas, a non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent child abuse in all its forms, explains that parents should know that there is no single psychological profile of a sexual offender.  _Myths suggest that only _dirty old men' are sexual abusers, but the reality is that anyone in a position of authority and with access to children can abuse a child,_ he said. The majority of sexual abuse perpetrators are people the child knows and trusts. Be particularly cautious about people who are close to your child who do any of the following:

  • Treat children as property by grabbing them, forcing attentions and affection, tickling excessively, and generally showing disrespect for children's requests and privacy
  • Relate to children in a sexual or seductive manner, for example, by commenting _She's a sexy little thing_
  • Use gifts and favors as the main way of relating to children
  • Entice children into their homes or into activities with them, or show excessive friendliness

Many sex offenders will not display any signs that indicate they are a danger to children.  While the general public tends to pay a lot of attention to identified sex offenders in the community, it is important to realize that the majority of sex offenders that are living in communities have not been identified.  Teltow explained, _we need to take steps to insure the safety of children in all aspects of their lives, realizing that the _unidentified threat' is greater than the small percentage of people who have been identified as sex offenders._

According to Teltow, _while we can, and should, teach our children personal safety skills, we adults need to take primary responsibility for keeping children safe. The best strategy for prevention is for adults to supervise children and their relationships with others.  Parents can't control everything having to do with their child, but they can be alert to potentially dangerous situations._  The following are some of the things you can do to help prevent child sexual abuse.

·         Teach your children about sexual abuse prevention just as you teach other safety guidelines. You can bring the subject of sexual abuse into daily life and make it part of ongoing talks with your children about safety, rather than presenting it as a one-time-only lecture which will scare them rather than educate and empower them.

·         Encourage children to talk.  Children should feel that they can come to you to discuss anything_no matter how big or small.  Children must be free to ask about adult behavior that confuses them, even when it is behavior not related to sexual abuse. 

·         Pay attention when children act _different_ around certain people.  You can use what you observe to start a conversation with children, such as: _I notice you get very quiet when Uncle John is around.  Are you feeling uncomfortable around him?  I want you to know that you can tell me any time you feel uncomfortable around someone and I will listen and try to help._ Listen to children when they talk about babysitters or other people, paying attention to words as well as body language that may indicate a problem.

·         Teach children the _First Rule of Safety_, which is that before they can go anywhere they need to tell you where they are going, who they will be with and when they will be back.

·         Supervise children's use of the internet.  The internet can be used by offenders to form relationships with children who they then meet up with later.                                 

·         Make it clear to children how they can reach you or someone they trust at all times. Help each child identify a _safety network_ of people they could talk to about feelings, especially feelings of being unsafe. 

·         Teach your children that there are things they can do if they feel unsafe.  It may be helpful to a play a _what if_ game with children to clarify their feelings and practice ways to deal with a situation. For example, you can say _What if someone put his hand on your bottom?_  Children can talk about what they could do about it (for example, say _I don't like that!_ and run away and tell someone.)

·         Trust your instincts.  If something doesn't feel right, pay attention to your feelings and check into any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable.

For more information or to join our efforts, contact Prevent Child Abuse Texas by calling 1-800-CHILDREN or visit



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If youre a Victim of I.D. Theft

n    Contact the fraud department of Each of the three major credit bureaus.

n    Equifax @ 1-800-685-1111 or e-mail @

n    Experian @ 1-888-EXPERIAN or e-mail @

n    Trans Union @ 1-800-916-8800 or e-mail @


n    Tell them you are a victim of identity theft.

n    Ask them to place a fraud alert on your file.

n    Have them put a Victims Statement in your file asking creditors to call you before opening new accounts or changing existing accounts.

n    Order a copy of your credit report.


n    Review the reports carefully for additional fraudulent accounts or activity.

n    Have the credit bureaus contact anyone who has requested your credit report in the last 6 months (2years for employers) and notify them of your situation.

n    In three months order new copies to verify corrections, changes and to make sure the fraudulent activity has stopped.

The Dos

n    Let all parties know that you as well as creditors and financial institutions are the victims.

n    Keep an extensive log.

n    Ask for written confirmation of discussions.

n    Send all correspondence Return Receipt Requested.

n    Keep track of all expenses.

n    Attend all court hearings.

The Do Nots

n    Pay any bill or portion from fraudulent activity.

n    Cover any checks with your own money that you did not write.

n    File for bankruptcy.

n    Allow yourself to be coerced by any credit company, financial institution, collection agency into believing that you will be held responsible.

Notifying Law Enforcement

n    Give law enforcement as much evidence as possible, by filing out a Hood County ID theft packet.

n    Provide a list of the fraudulent accounts.

n    Get a copy or a summary of the police report.

n    Keep track of your case numbers.

n    Provide creditors of fraudulent accounts a copy of the police report.