If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers or submit a Web Tip.  
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MPD Business Burglary Investigation
April 29, 2020

Business Burglary Investigation


Montgomery, Alabama
Case: MPD 20-042920A


Montgomery Police Department


The Montgomery Police Department is searching for the identity and location of a group of suspects wanted for Multiple Business Burglaries that occurred within the City of Montgomery.

Montgomery Police Detectives are investigating multiple business burglaries that occurred between January 6, 2020, through April 10, 2020. There are eight burglary cases currently being investigated by Montgomery Police Detectives of local cell phone and gas stations. The commonalities of these burglaries are that they were all either a cell phone or service station and that the burglaries occurred during the early morning hours.  Investigation of these cases discovered that the suspects may have burglarized a Prattville cell phone business as well during this time.  The pictured suspects appear to travel in groups of 3 to 8 when committing these burglaries. 


If you have any information regarding the identity or location of any of the pictured suspect(s), please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.


Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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Andalusia Auto Theft
April 20, 2020

Updated: April 21, 2020





Martin Luther King Expressway

Andalusia, Alabama



Andalusia Police Department



The Andalusia Police Department has officially notified CrimeStoppers of the recovery of a stolen vehicle and the arrest of one suspect and additional arrests to come.


Reports indicate that Butler County Deputies were able to locate the vehicle in their jurisdiction. A suspect was arrested and a stolen pistol from Millbrook was recovered along with methamphetamine.  Andalusia Investigators are still actively investigating this offense and expect more arrest as more information is obtained.



If you have any information regarding this crime, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers toll free number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.



Published: April 20, 2020




Martin Luther King Expressway

Andalusia, Alabama



Andalusia Police Department



The Andalusia Police Department is currently investigating the theft of an automobile.


On April 20, 2020, the Andalusia Police Department responded to a stolen vehicle call for service at the Wal-Mart parking lot located on Martin Luther King Expressway. The stolen vehicle is described as a gray on gray 2008 Kia Sorrento. The tag number is 9647AW3. The vehicle has a United States Marine Corps Eagle Globe and Anchor sticker on the back glass on the passenger side.


The vehicle was reported taken some time around 11:30 pm on April 19, 2020.


If you have any information regarding this crime, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers toll free number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


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Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card
April 14, 2020



74000 Block of Tallassee Highway

Wetumpka, Alabama

Case: WPD20-200400029



Wetumpka Police Department



The Wetumpka Police Department is currently investigating multiple Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card and Unlawful Breaking Into Vehicle Offenses.  

Reports indicate that the pictured suspects, male and female, broke out a passenger side window of a victim’s vehicle at a medical building located in the 74000 Block of Tallassee Highway in Wetumpka, AL. The victim’s purse, with wallet and credit cards, was stolen from the front of the passenger seat. A short time later the victims credit card was used at the Wetumpka Walmart. The female was observed in Walmart making a purchase with the victim’s credit card. The male and female arrived and left in the same vehicle but entered and exited separately from the store. Investigators believe the male broke out the window of the victim’s vehicle and stole the purse, and then the female was later sent to make purchases using the victim’s credit cards. The vehicle is believed to be a White Jeep Cherokee.


CrimeStoppers believe that these same two suspects committed the same type of crimes in neighboring jurisdictions.  


If you have any information regarding the identity or whereabouts of these suspects, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password in order to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question.  


You may also use CrimeStoppers new 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward of up to $5,000.00!



Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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MPD Unsolved Murder
April 09, 2020



Montgomery, Alabama
Case: MPD 20-040920A


Montgomery Police Department


On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, Montgomery Police Patrol units responded to the 2200 Block of Cherry Street regarding a subject shot. The male victim was identified as Ricklson Debrum and was pronounced deceased on the scene. The Montgomery Police Department is seeking assistance from the public into the Murder Investigation of Ricklson Debrum. 


If you have any information regarding this investigation, please call the Montgomery Police Department at 334-625-2831 or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question.

You may also use CrimeStoppers 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.


Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

PPD Identity Theft Investigation
April 08, 2020

Updated: April 20, 2020




Prattville, Alabama
Case: PPD20-0040820A


Prattville Police Department



The Prattville Police Department has officially notified CrimeStoppers that the identity of a suspect wanted for Identity Theft has been confirmed. The suspect is not in custody and is still wanted by law enforcement.  


Investigators advise that the suspect was identified by an anonymous tip through CrimeStoppers as 26-year-old Georgia resident Veronica Lashae Hunter.


On Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Investigators advised that Veronica Lashae Hunter used the victim’s credit card information to purchase merchandise at a retail store in Montgomery, AL.


If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Veronica Lashae Hunter, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers toll free number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Published: April 8, 2020


Prattville, Alabama
Case: PPD20-0040820A

Prattville Police Department


The Prattville Police Department is searching for the identity and location of a subject wanted for an Identity Theft Investigation currently being investigated by Prattville Investigators.   

On Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Investigators advised that the pictured suspect shown, used the victim’s credit card information to purchase merchandise at a retail store in Montgomery, AL. The Prattville Police Department needs help with the identity and location of the pictured suspect.

If you have any information regarding the identity or location of the pictured suspect, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.


Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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Montgomery Credit Card Fraud
April 08, 2020


City of Montgomery

Montgomery, Alabama

Case: MPD20-00045327



Montgomery Police Department



The Montgomery Police Department is currently investigating multiple Fraudulent Use of Credit Card Offenses.  

Reports indicate that the pictured suspects, male and female, used the credit cards of multiple victims throughout the City of Montgomery.  Investigators are searching for their identity.



If you have any information regarding the identity or whereabouts of these suspects, please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password in order to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question.  


You may also use CrimeStoppers new 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward of up to $5,000.00!



Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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Prattville B&E of a Vehicle
April 07, 2020


Medical Business

600 Block of McQueen Smith Road

Prattville, Alabama



Prattville Police Department



The Prattville Police Department is currently investigating the Breaking and Entering of a Vehicle that occurred in the parking lot of a medical business.   

Reports indicate that the pictured unknown female was involved in the breaking and entering of a vehicle that occurred on March 31, 2020 in Prattville. An unknown male, not pictured, broke into the victim’s vehicle and the pictured female can be seen driving away in a white SUV. Both suspects stole a purse out of the victim’s vehicle after busting the window out with an unknown tool. Both suspects went straight to a retail store and used the victim's credit cards. Attached photos show the female suspect and a picture of the actual suspect vehicle.



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MPD FUCC Investigation
April 02, 2020




Updated: April 29, 2020


The Montgomery Police Department has officially notified CrimeStoppers that the suspects wanted for a Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card Investigation have been identified.

Investigators advise that the suspects were identified by an anonymous tip through CrimeStoppers tip line.

The pictured suspect(s) is wanted for Fraudulent Use of a Credit Investigation that occurred on Saturday, February 22, 2020, at a local retail store in Montgomery, AL.  The suspects left the area in an unknown direction driving a white cargo van.


If you have any information regarding the identity or location of the pictured suspect(s), please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question. 


You may also use CrimeStoppers 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.


Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Published: April 2, 2020

Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card Investigation


Montgomery, Alabama
Case: MPD 20-040220A


Montgomery Police Department


The Montgomery Police Department is searching for the identity and location of the pictured suspect(s) wanted for a Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card Investigation.


The pictured suspect(s) is wanted for Fraudulent Use of a Credit Investigation that occurred on Saturday, February 22, 2020, at a local retail store in Montgomery, AL.  The suspects left the area in an unknown direction driving a white cargo van.


If you have any information regarding the identity or location of the pictured suspect(s), please immediately call the Police or CrimeStoppers using our 24-hour tip line at 215-STOP (7867) or download our P3-tips app. Make sure you receive a Tip ID and Password to dialog with Investigators in case there is a follow-up question.  

You may also use CrimeStoppers 800 number, 1-833-AL1-STOP.

Your Tip may lead to a Cash Reward up to $5,000.00.


Note: A criminal charge is an accusation. The defendant is assumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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Opp Police Burglary Investigation
April 01, 2020


Shawn Wesley Sanders

Sex:                 Male

Age:                33


Criminal Charges

Theft of Property 1st

Burglary 3rd


Opp Police Department  



The Opp Police Department has officially notified CrimeStoppers of the arrest of Shawn Wesley Sanders for his involvement in a Burglary and Theft investigation. He is no longer wanted by law enforcement.

After being shown on a CrimeStoppers media segment, Shawn Sanders voluntarily turned himself over to authorities. He was charged with Burglary 3rd and Theft of Property 1st degree. Sanders turned himself in on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at approximately 2:00 p.m.


No other details were released.


Published: April 1, 2020



Shawn Wesley Sanders

Sex:                 Male

Age:                33

Race:               White

Height:            5’08”

Weight:           135


Criminal Charges

Theft of Property 1st

Burglary 3rd


Opp Police Department  



Shawn Wesley Sanders is wanted by the Opp Police Department regarding Theft of Property 1st and Burglary 3rd warrants.


On March 29, 2020 between the hours 2:00 a.m.- 2:10 a.m., a local business in the 300 Block of Hwy 52 was broken into where $5,511.00 of assorted coins were stolen.  That same day Investigators located Sanders’ vehicle broke down on the side of the roadway which contained the coins stolen from the local business.    


The Opp Police Department is seeking assistance from the public in locating, Shawn Wesley Sanders, age 33, of Andalusia, Alabama who is hiding from Police.  Shawn Sanders is wanted for Theft of Property 1st  & Burglary 3rd. 



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Prattville Convenience Store Burglary
April 01, 2020


Marathon Convenience Store

700 Block of South Memorial Drive

Prattville, Alabama

Case: PPD20-0401A


Prattville Police Department



The Prattville Police Department is currently investigating a Burglary and Theft that occurred at a South Memorial Drive Convenience Store.  

Reports indicate that on Monday, March 30, 2020, at approximately 11:58pm an unknown suspect Burglarized and stole several packs of cigarettes from a convenience store located in the 700 block of South Memorial Drive.


The suspect was driving a small white in color two door vehicle.



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